What is Cannabis Wax, and Why Should You Try it At least once?

Published on: December 5, 2021

Cannabis Wax

Marijuana concentrates are growing rapidly in popularity, particularly because of their heightened potency. Whether you are looking for a way to enjoy yourself after work or cure any chronic pain, concentrates like cannabis wax can be an excellent option. Wax is one of the most desired cannabis concentrates because of its insane THC content, equivalent to 15-20 high-quality joints. In this article, we will discuss what cannabis wax is and why you should try it at least once. We will discuss some of the most common ways to use it and some of the most common benefits associated with the use of wax. 

It is made essentially blasting cannabis plant material with butane then extracting the THC into a gooey, highly concentrated resin. After extraction, the final product has a waxy texture, which gives its name, used in various ways. It would help if you tried it at least once because it is the most powerful weed you will ever use. 

What Is Cannabis Wax?

Cannabis wax is a form of hash oil, and it is created when a pressurized solvent is washed over cannabis plant matter. It resembles ear wax, and though it may look a bit less appealing to some users, one thing is common that it boasts the highest THC concentrations. Why? Because it contains up to 90% THC that can provide the true feeling of high. Wax is not just for recreational uses, and it is also very helpful in alleviating many medical conditions, especially users looking for a fast way to get cured. This is one of the reasons why wax is typically more expensive. 

How To Use Cannabis Wax?

There are several ways to use this concentrate, but there are ways to prepare it before you intend to consume it. Cannabis wax is extremely sticky, and this is one of the reasons why sometimes it is hard to prepare it to smoke. There are two most common ways you can use to enjoy cannabis wax. 


Dabbing and cannabis wax go hand in glove, and it is the most favourite way of enjoying it. If you want to enjoy cannabis wax in its true form, choose to dab, and every hit of wax will give you a high feeling that you never had in life. Specialized titanium-built nail is used, which is durable and can handle the heat. With the help of a blow torch, the nail is heated. After touching the nail to cannabis wax, the heat evaporates, producing smoke that is inhaled afterwards. It is much like a bong without a bong. 


Vaping is another great way to enjoy cannabis wax. Vape pens with titanium coils are used to heat the wax, creating smoke that you inhale from that vape pen. This is one of the most secure, easy and safest ways to enjoy your cannabis wax that maintain the quality of wax because the heating process in vape pens is controlled automatically.

If you want to know more about cannabis wax, feel free to contact us, and we would be happy to assist you.

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