Weed DeliveryJack Herer AAA
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How High 420 Delivers Weed
direct to your door.
THC Levels From 24% to 30%
Great THC Levels combined with a beautiful Spicy Herbal taste, a pine scent. Tight packed bigger buds, ready to be rolled! Jack Herer is defiantly worth a try!.
Jack Herer, also known as “JH,” “The Jack,” “Premium Jack,” and “Platinum Jack” is a sativa- dominant marijuana strain that has gained as much renown as its namesake, the marijuana activist and author of The Emperor Wears No Clothes. Combining a Haze hybrid with a Northern Lights #5 and Shiva Skunk cross, Sensi Seeds created Jack Herer hoping to capture both cerebral elevation and heavy resin production.
Jack Herrer Appearance
Large pepper-shaped jack herer buds have golden undertones and brilliant neon green nugs.
Enjoy :)
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