Everything You Need To Know About Organic Cannabis in London

Published on: October 6, 2022

everything you need to know about organic cannabis in london

Let’s talk about something different today. By the title of our blog, you may have guessed what will be our focus today: organic cannabis in London. Organic cannabis has been a topic of interest for many people lately as the benefits of smoking organic weed are becoming more and more apparent. Not only does it taste better, but it is also said to be much healthier for you.

There may be a small number of professional growers in Canada who are practising organic cannabis production. Still, they are not able to meet the rising demand. In contrast, plenty of black-market growers are using harmful chemicals and pesticides on their plants, which can be detrimental to your health. This is why it is so important to know where your weed is coming from and to only buy from a reputable online weed dispensary like How High 420.

Most trusted online weed dispensaries fail to provide organic cannabis in London. That does not mean that they are selling the wrong weed. It’s just not organic. That’s it. Since the market for organic weed is small. The number of people who use organic weed is also small. If you are someone who has tried organic weed, you know its capabilities. If you haven’t, it’s high time that you do.

Growing organic cannabis is not as simple as it might seem. In fact, it is a very thorough and time-consuming process. The growers must be extra careful about the nutrients they use, the amount of light and water the plants get, and many other factors we will cover below. All of this is done to create a product that is as natural and healthy as possible.

What is Organic Cannabis?

There is a lot of confused people who asks us many different, somewhat weird question regarding organic cannabis. So, we have decided to make this blog and answer some of the most frequently asked questions about organic weed and its benefits.

Most weed users still believe that if they grow their cannabis in soil, they can refer to it as organic. That is not true, as the story is a bit different. Even if you grow your cannabis in soil, there are many chemicals and fertilizers you have to use to achieve the best results. To do that, you must use natural products like compost and manure. These products will not make your cannabis organic.

Cannabis that is 100% organic has not been exposed to synthetic chemicals or pesticides. Growers who actually grow organic weed would argue that no pesticide is used, but sometimes they have to use neem oil as it is the only way to save their entire crop sometimes. There is still some debate left, so it’s better not to jump to any kind of conclusion.

So the short answer to what organic weed is? The type of cannabis has not been exposed to any synthetic chemicals or pesticides during the growth process.

5 Benefits of Organic Cannabis

There is no doubt about the greater benefits of organic over non-organic food. The same story goes for organic cannabis, as it is much healthier for you than the regular stuff. Here are 5 benefits of smoking organic weed:

Improved yield:

Cannabis that is grown organically often has a higher yield than regular weed. It is because the plants are healthier and stronger, which allows them to produce more buds.

Unlike the most popular belief that soil is the best medium to grow cannabis, hydro actually offers a number of advantages. These include easier control over pH and nutrients, faster growth rates, and higher yields. However, it is important for you to note that you can only achieve these benefits if you use high-quality products and grow your plants in a clean environment. Not getting enough yield is a thing of the past now because of so much improved technology.

Increased potency

It is one of the most obvious benefits of smoking organic weed. When you eliminate all the chemicals and pesticides from the growing process, what you are left with is a much purer and more potent product. The THC levels in organic weed are often higher than in regular weed, which means that you will get a stronger high.

Improved flavour and aroma:

The flavour and aroma of organic weed are often more pronounced than those of regular weed. This is because the plants are not exposed to any chemicals or pesticides, which can affect the taste and smell of the buds.

If you have ever smoked organic weed, you know that it has a very distinct and pleasant taste. This is because the grower has not used any chemicals or pesticides during the growth process, which can affect the taste of the buds.

Smelling better is also a thing. When you don’t use any kind of chemicals, the smell of your cannabis will be more pleasant and attractive to others.

Richer microbiome:

The microbiome is the collection of all the microorganisms that live on and in your body. These include bacteria, fungi, and viruses. The soil is better, which means there are ample amounts of bacteria and fungi that help the plant to grow.

This is one of the most important benefits of smoking organic weed. These microorganisms are essential for your health, and they can only be found in products that are grown organically.

They help to boost your immune system, improve digestion, and protect you from diseases.

Lighter environmental impact

Cannabis that is grown organically has a much lighter environmental impact than regular weed. This is because the grower does not use any synthetic chemicals or pesticides, which can pollute the soil and water.

Organic weed is also often grown in greenhouses, which use less energy and resources than indoor grows.


In conclusion, organic weed is much better for you than regular weed. It is grown without any synthetic chemicals or pesticides, which makes it healthier for you and the environment. If you are looking for a high-quality product with great taste and potent effects, it’s time you should also give it a try. But if you want the same old weed, be it sativa, indica or hybrid, we are here. So contact us!

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