Visiting a Horror House in London? Try These 8 Weed Strains Before You Go

Published on: January 26, 2023

visiting a horror house in london try these 8 weed strains before you go

Are you looking to take your horror house experience to the next level? Are you a daring, thrill-seeking individual who wants an extra edge when exploring eerie haunted attractions or terrifying terror houses? Then look no further than cannabis! Its ability to affect the mind differently can be an excellent tool for entering these fear-filled spaces. Plenty of weed strains offer different effects, so it’s up to you which type of high is right for your horror house journey. This post will cover eight potent and varied marijuana strains that could become your perfect companion on a frightful excursion. So whether you’re heading out for Halloween hauntings or anything else spooky and scary, let us help ensure your adventure is as thrilling as possible!

1- Super Lemon Haze

Visiting a horror house can be an intense and overwhelming experience, but you can prepare quickly. Before going inside, consider trying Super Lemon Haze, an energizing Sativa-dominant hybrid strain perfect for keeping your fear levels at bay while exploring the depths of a spooky environment.

Keep your spirits up and journey through even the scariest horror houses by experimenting with Super Lemon Haze from our online weed dispensary in London! Super Lemon Haze offers an uplifting, clearheaded cerebral high perfect for banishing fear with its focus-enhancing properties. Plus, it’ll make all the spooky sights or moments of terror even more amusing when experienced with this buzz.

2- Strawberry Diesel

If you’re visiting a horror house, there’s no better way to get in the right mood than trying Strawberry Diesel cannabis. This strain is characterized by an earthy, berry flavour that gives off an uplifting high and energizing buzz. Not only will it put you in the right attitude for exploring a spooky house, but it can also help relieve anxiety and stress. Best of all, users report that the high from Strawberry Diesel helps to increase creativity and concentration—perfect for figuring out puzzles or riddles presented within a haunted attraction. Strawberry Diesel is one strain you won’t want to pass up if you’re looking for the perfect balance of relaxation and energy.

3- Puck Yeah

Visiting a horror house is an exciting, spooky activity – and things can get even more intense if you try out the weed strain called ‘Puck Yeah’ before going. Puck Yeah is a heavy-hitting indica with a unique THC content of up to 25%. It provides an incredibly calming effect that is ideal for any horror experience.

Best enjoyed when shared with friends or family, Puck Yeah has earned its reputation for being one of the best strains on the market for recreational users looking for a chill yet enjoyable high. The feeling you’ll get from this strain can be described as a pleasant and relaxed buzz. So next time you’re getting ready to enter a dark world of pure terror, why not give Puck Yeah a try? It may turn your already spooky experience into something truly unforgettable.

4- King Kong

If you’re going to visit a horror house, you may want to consider the infamous weed strain called King Kong. Known for its mild and relaxation-inducing effects, it helps create great vibes before you enter the realm of fear. It’s also known for lowering stress levels and giving one an overall feeling of tranquillity and contentment. With these benefits, King Kong is like no other strain in providing much-needed peace as you prepare to take on your ghostly adventure. So if you’re looking for an uplifting pre-horror house experience – King Kong is the perfect way to set the mood!

5- Pink Gorilla

Heading to a horror house and want an extra boost? Look no further than Pink Gorilla! This incredible strain offers deep relaxation and a light, happy outlook that is perfect for tapping into your inner courage. Not only will it mellow out worries associated with prospective frights, but its incredibly uplifting effects can also help ease stress and provide the necessary mental clarity for navigating your way around the ghouls and goblins of the experience. Pink Gorilla is the ultimate companion for your next foray into horror.

6- Darth Vader

Visiting a horror house is guaranteed to be an intimidating experience. But why not prepare for your next trip by trying the Darth Vader weed strain? Its effects of deep relaxation and sleepiness will help you remain calm and in control during frightful moments. This Indica-dominant hybrid can also provide powerful pain relief and calming effects, making it ideal for dulling anxiety or feeling more grounded in potentially overwhelming situations. Whether visiting a horror house or other potentially stressful event, experimenting with this potent strain can provide much-needed relief during challenging moments.


If you’re visiting a horror house, you must be prepared. Rather than relying on horror books or movies for inspiration, why not try something unique like the Lowryder weed strain? Lowryder is an unusual strain of cannabis renowned for its ability to get you feeling relaxed – perfect before entering a terrifying environment! The enjoyable taste characteristic means that smoking is incredibly pleasurable while providing the necessary calming effects. Despite being so potent, its relatively low levels of THC make it a safe choice for those with little experience with cannabis.

8- Bruce Banner

If you enjoy a good fright, test your courage by exploring a horror house. If it’s too terrifying, try prepping yourself with the Bruce Banner weed strain before going. With its solid and flavorful smokable blend of sativa and indica, this strain will put your mind and body into a relaxed state – perfect for tackling fears head-on. Get ready to step out of your comfort zone and experience thrills like never before with the help of this inspiring strain!

Final Words

So there you have it, the best strains of weed to smoke before visiting a horror house. We hope this blog was helpful and informative for you. And if you are getting too scared during your visit, remember to reach out to us; we can help you find the perfect strain to calm your nerves. Happy Horror Housing!

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