How to Store the Weed You Got from a Weed Dispensary in London?

Published on: August 29, 2021

How to Store the Weed You Got from a Weed Dispensary in Kitchener?

You have got your favorite weed from the weed dispensary shop in London, but you are unsure how to store them or how long it remains fresh? Well, these are some of the common questions which everyone wonders at some point in life. You are not alone.

As the flowers don’t usually come with an expiration date, you have to be sure that how you can store them, which will make sure that it remains edible for a certain period of time.

In this article, we will look at some of the ways to store your weed properly to keep it fresh.

Read along to figure it out.

Why should you store cannabis properly?

One of the biggest problems with the storage that you have to be extra careful about is the moisture. When you store cannabis in a place where there is a chance of moisture getting in, you might end up with the growth of mold and mildew on your flower. And, this could pose some risks to your health.

That’s why you have to make sure that your flower is not exposed to much moisture. If it does, you might lose essential terpenes, which would affect the potency and taste.

What temperature is best to store the cannabis?

The best temperature at which you should store the weed is around 70 degrees Fahrenheit. Are you wondering why? Well, high temperatures have a bunch of disadvantages.

Some of the cons of storing weed at high temperature include:

  • When the temperature is increased along with good humidity, it could lead to mold on your cannabis.
  • Dry out your flower
  • Evaporate the sensitive terpenes.

That’s why you need to make sure that you always keep your weed in a cool place.

How light affects cannabis?

According to the research, exposing your cannabis to light can negatively affect the cannabis, and it would age pretty quickly. Light causes the deterioration of cannabinoids. Mainly the Ultraviolet (UV) is responsible for the degradation of the weed. Therefore, you should always keep the cannabis in a dark place.

Apart from the light, you also have to protect it against the air. If exposed to light and air for a long time, the THCA would be converted to THC and THC to CBN. This compound won’t even produce the intoxicating effects as the THC does. How would you even enjoy your favorite blue dream strain?

Best way to store weed

After reading some of the tips above, you might have already gotten an idea of how to store it properly. Few things need to be kept in mind when you are storing your cannabis, and they are:

  • Make sure that you store it in a place where there is almost zero exposure to air
  • Store it in an air-tight container
  • Ensure that you are not using big containers to store just a small amount of weed.


You could even enjoy the weed after two years when you follow all the tips and tricks of storing cannabis properly! Yes, that’s possible, only if kept well. You must know how to store it well to get the best experience whenever you want to smoke it.

Contact us now to get your favorite weed!

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