How Can You Find Out If Your Weed Dabs Are Still Good or Not?

Published on: October 14, 2021

Weed Dabs

A lot of cannabis enthusiasts don’t realize when their weed dabs go bad. They purchase the dab or wax in bulk amount because they got a good deal on it. But after a while, they realize that the potency is not the same as before.

Dabs are well known among the youth, and the popularity of smoking dabs is increasing day by day. People use the dabs for either recreational or medicinal purposes. It is used for medicinal purposes too. It can treat chronic pain like arthritis and many other different diseases.

If you are going to dab for the first time, you need to be careful, as dabs are much more potent than the regular gummy edibles. Either you can take one hit of the dab or smoke an entire joint. It would have the same effects. That’s how potent the dabs are.

In this article, we will discuss how you can check if the weed dab is still good or not. You’d get to know how you can check the quality of the dab.

How to test Dabs Quality? 

It is a difficult task to figure out the concentrated quality of the dab by just looking at it. However, there is a general tip that you can follow, and it is to go for the lighter dabs always as compared to the darker ones. Be careful! That’s not always the case. It is always a good option to ask for all the details from a budtender in a weed dispensary.

One of the questions you can ask them is whether the concentrate is lab-tested for purity and potency? Tell the budtender when you will be using the concentrate and ask which one would be the best for that particular event. For instance, the budtender would recommend a different concentrate for the concert and a different one for smoking it all alone at home to relax.

Do Dabs Go Bad? 

If you do not store the cannabis concentrate or wax properly, it will lose its potency as time passes by. It’s always best to keep the dab in a tightly packed silicone container. One of the reasons is that the dab won’t stick to the material. Secondly, you can save it from humidity which could deteriorate your concentrate. Lastly, it would be best if you didn’t forget to place them out of direct light, as natural light would act as a tool to degrade your cannabis. Not just the direct sunlight but excessive heat is also bad for your cannabis.


Dabs can go bad and lose their potency and purity. You can prolong the shelf life of the weed dabs if you store them under the right conditions. It would be best if you considered keeping them in a dark, dry, and cool place.

Contact us to know more about it.

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