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Jack Frost (JF) is a ghostly-white albino Psilocybe Cubensis strain.
This strain gets its name from the aesthetics of the fruiting bodies it produces. Jack Frost produces flat caps that curl upwards as they begin to drop a blanket of fine white spores. They look as though they’ve been covered in a dusting of fresh snow.
The gills take on a bluish hue, which is a clear indication these shrooms contain a lot of psilocybin (although recent testing data suggests it’s about average).
The fruiting bodies are medium in size, with dense stems and relatively heavy caps.
Once dried, Jack Frost mushrooms retain their ghostly white appearance for the most part. However, you may observe areas that take on a light to dark-blue coloration due to bruising that occurs during the harvest, drying, and storage process. If you handle them carefully, it’s possible to end up with milky-white mushrooms as the final product.
This is a truly stunning albino strain that’s relatively easy to grow while capable of producing decent potency if conditions are just right.
Although this mushroom is relatively rare and uncommon, the two “mother strains” – True Albino Teacher & Albino Penis Envy— are celebrity strains in their own right. Both are revered for their above-average potency.
Recommended Dosage:
Note recommended for first time users. ( START LOW AND GO SLOW APPROACH)
The Jack Frost magic mushrooms delivers everything you want in terms of potency and effectiveness. It is an extremely potent hallucinogenic mushroom which doesn’t take much to have an amazing trip.
For these reason we recommend starting with a lower dose.
- MICRO DOSE: 0.25 gram
- HIGH DOSE 1.5- 3 gram
- HEROIC 3-5 gram
Jack Frost Mushrooms – Effects & What to expect
The effects will last for 6 to 8 hours start to finish. With all doses except the microdose, you’ll start experiencing the effects in approximately 30 minutes after the administration. The peak will come in approximately 60 to 90 minutes after the administration.
The exact effects of Jack Frost will largely depend on the dosage you take:
- Improved focus;
- Less fatigue;
- Productivity boost;
- Better control and understanding of emotions;
- Decreased depressive thoughts.
Minimal recreational dose:
- Minor alterations in perception of the surroundings (visual changes include vibrating and moving contours of objects, sparkling, increased light sensitivity);
- Notably improved creativity;
- Significant mood improvement (if the set and setting are right).
Full recreational dose:
- More prominent perception alteration;
- Therapeutic effect (if intended) on mental health;
- Possibly a strictly individual spiritual experience.
High dose:
- Strong psychedelic effects (visual hallucinations, altered perception of light, sound, increased sensitivity, a deeper «trip»);
- Easier introspection and improved self-analysis;
- Dramatically increased compassion and empathy;
- Open-mindedness, increased ability to process information and think «outside the box»;
- Lightness in movement, dizziness.
Heroic dose:
Exceptionally strong effects, strictly individual, unpredictable and defined by set and setting. Recommended exclusively to those experienced with psychoactive substances. The effects here are defined not by the substance itself, but by your approach. ( Always have a trusty wing man with you, that is not under the effects of substances, they will be there to keep you safe)
NOTE: We’re talking about positive effects and occasions that are possible exclusively in case you’re in a good state of mind, in a comfortable and calm place, with no people around that might intentionally or unintentionally ruin your experience and turn your journey into a bad trip.
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